Praying Today

Welcome! We are absolutely delighted that you have taken the time to visit us here at Praying Today where we pray for you. Praying Today, is a space for Christian prayer, spiritual enrichment, and the study of the Word of God.
Delve into daily reflections, uplifting prayers, curated Bible videos and moments of divine connection through the lens of the Word of God. Join us on a transformative journey of faith here at Praying Today.

Have you ever wanted to study the Bible before? Here are some excellent, totally free, online Bible courses that you can start today! Here's some of our favorites to explore.

1.  Teach Me to Pray
2.  Voice of Prophecy Studies
3.  Bible Info
4.  A Picture of God
5.  Amazing Facts
6.  It Is Written
7. Sabbath Truth

Listen to some great Bible inspired songs!

Hope Sabbath School, along with  Trinity Scripture Songs, created a wonderful collection of some of their favorite Bible inspired songs. Be blessed by their Bible-Inspired messages while learning scripture and music together. 

The music provided here was brought to you by generosity of Trinity Scripture Songs

Jeremiah 29:11-14     For I Know the Thoughts
Matthew 22:37-39    You Should Love the Lord
1 Peter 2:9   You Are a Chosen Generation
Timothy 1:15, 17  This is a Faithful Saying
Revelation 7:14-17  These are the Ones
Isaiah 55:6-7  Seek the Lord
Colossians 3:16  Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You
Matthew 11:28-30  Come to Me
Psalm 103:1-4  Bless the Lord  

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